family foundation


Donations and donations

The Family Foundation conducts research into the origin and history of the name Haselhoff and into the family members who bear this name, spelled in different ways. Through this website, but also through various publications, the foundation strives to provide family members, name bearers and other interested parties with information.

Become a donor!

The Family Foundation is financially completely dependent on donors and benefactors, who enable the foundation to conduct research and publish about it. They also keep the board informed of the changes in their family and close relatives, so that the family data is kept up to date. The HaselhoffBulletin derives some of its content from these contributions. In this way the archive is kept up to date and further expanded with photos, documents and objects.

The foundation currently has more than 160 donors. Donors, benefactors and other interested parties can support the foundation with an annual contribution of at least € 20.00. They decide for themselves how much they donate and of course all donations, large and small, are very welcome. A donor receives the HaselhoffBulletin at least twice a year. They also receive a discount on the participation costs for the family days. If you want to support the foundation by becoming a donor, or if you want to make a financial contribution, you can do so in various ways:

By clicking on the registration form on the left, filling in the form (a PDF file), printing and signing. Please send to the secretariat. You can also (temporarily) save the completed form and attach it to an email addressed to Your details will be treated confidentially. You can call or email the secretariat. You can transfer the amount directly to account number NL23ABNA0507007700 in the name of Familiestichting Haselhoff, Drachten, stating gift or registration donor.

Tobacco box of the Hazelhoff-Roelfzema family. Probably made around 1860 by the silversmith Mr. Jacobus van Dam from Schoonhoven. On loan to the Haselhoff Family Foundation.


It is of course possible to donate material items such as books, photos or objects to the Family Foundation. These are stored in the family archive or – if the opportunity arises – exhibited to a wider audience. Donations of significant financial and/or emotional value are recorded in accordance with the rules of gift tax.

A donation form has been prepared for this purpose. Click on the link on the left and the form can be completed, signed and sent to the secretariat.

It is also possible to loan objects. A loan agreement is drawn up and signed for this.

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